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Are you a Qualified Purchaser under the Investment Company Act of 1940?

You are a Qualified Purchaser if you qualify as one of the following:

You are a partnership, a corporation, a limited liability company or another entity (other than trusts) and

  1. this partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other entity owns at least $5 million in Investments and is owned directly or indirectly by two or more natural persons who are related as siblings or spouses (including former spouses), or direct descendants by birth or adoption, spouses of such persons, the estates of such persons, or foundations, charitable organizations, or trusts established by or for the benefit of such persons; or
  2. you acting for your own account or the accounts of other “qualified purchasers” and own and invest in the aggregate at least $25 million in Investments; or
  3. your beneficial owners are “Qualified Purchasers”; or
  4. you are a qualified institutional buyer, meeting the requirements of Rule 2a51-1(g) promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940, who has at least $25 million in discretionary Investments

You are a trust and

  1. the trust owns at least $5 million in Investments and the trust is owned directly or indirectly by two or more natural persons who are related as siblings or spouses (including former spouses), or direct descendants by birth or adoption, spouses of such persons, the estates of such persons, or foundations, charitable organizations, or trusts established by or for the benefit of such persons; or
  2. trust was not formed for the purpose of acquiring the limited partnership interests of any fund mentioned on this website and the trustee or other person authorized to make decisions with respect to the trust, and each settlor or other person who has contributed assets to the trust, is a person described in a. or b. (i) above or in b. (iii) or c. below; or
  3. you are acting for your own account or the accounts of other “Qualified Purchasers” and own and invest in the aggregate at least $25 million in Investments.

You are a natural person and

  1. you act for your own account and own at least $5 million in Investments (including joint Investments with your spouse) or
  2. you act for your own account or for the accounts of other “Qualified Purchasers” and own and invest in the aggregate at least $25 million in Investments.

Enjoy the advantages of sustainability, especially when it comes to investments.

KGAL-Group has adopted a mission statement already in 2010 that incorporates environmental protection requirements into our strategic goals. KGAL not only aims to offer sustainable products for investors, but also wants to actively assume a sustainable role in society. To underline this, KGAL signed the United Nations Principles for Sustainable Investment (“UN PRI”) in September 2018. Consequently, sustainability aspects are an integral part of KGALs business and risk strategy.


Our investment strategy takes into account megatrends such as urbanisation, clean energy, mobility, and urban infrastructure. It also considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and is regularly updated. This understanding does not only provides a future-proof basis for our investments, but also contributes to the 17 goals of the United Nations Development Goals ("UN SDGs").


KGAL-Group's clear and long-term business model excludes direct investments in business activities in connection with the manufacture of weapons of all kinds, nuclear power plants, gambling and fossil fuels. In addition, KGAL-Group does not participate in speculation on the price development of food commodities.


The KGAL Group sustainability report is prepared in accordance with the reporting standard of the German Sustainability Code.


Our contribution - sustainability and climate strategy

In our current publications you will find KGAL's goals and measures for sustainable action. The ESG goals and measures contained in the strategies relate to both the company and the fund level and are effective and valid for the entire product range of KGAL Investment Management GmbH & Co KG.


KGAL climate strategy - Our contribution to fight climate change


Brochure "ESG policy and strategy"


Sustainability at company level.

  • In 2023, KGAL's renewable energy portfolio generated approximately 2.6 TWh of green electricity and delivered renewable power to over 1.4 million people. This corresponds to a clean energy supply to approximately 652,000 households. 
  • KGAL GmbH & Co. KG is guided by the principles of the UN Global Compact and signed the Principles for Responsible Investment set out by the United Nations (UNPRI) in 2018. The current transparency report can be found on the UN PRI website.
  • The KGAL Code of Conduct is reviewed and updated on a regular basis. All employees are obliged to act according to its principles.
  • The sustainability report of KGAL GmbH & Co. KG is published in line with the requirements of the German (GSC) Sustainability Code.
  • On an annual basis, KGAL GmbH & Co. KG compiles its Corporate Carbon Footprint in cooperation with ClimatePartner. Calculation is based on the standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. We aim to reduce our emissions per employee by 5% each year. We invest in certified carbon offset projects in the amount of remaining emissions.
  • The stewardship policy of KGAL Investment Management GmbH & Co. KG (KGAL IM) sets out the current approach and activities of our asset classes in relation to their stakeholder engagement. They endorse the definition of stewardship of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and align with market best practices.
  • KGAL GmbH & Co. KG endorses the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 by publishing a statement under section 54 of this legislation. The Statement outlines steps taken by KGAL to prevent slavery and human trafficking in its own operations and supply chains.
  • KGAL-Group offers its employees exposure to international activities within the structure of a mid-sized company. At KGAL, employees are encouraged to take on responsibility at an early stage and develop in a variety of ways, regardless of colour, gender, age or sexual orientation.

REGULATION (EU) 2019/2088 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector

On 10 March 2021, regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosure requirements in the financial services sector (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation "SFDR") came into force.  What sounds like a topic for reporting specialists affects us all. The SFDR regulation is part of the EU's action plan for financing sustainable growth - truly a mammoth project that will soon change large parts of our economic world. For the European Union to achieve its climate targets for 2030, for example, the EU Commission estimates that trillions of euros will have to be invested. It sees the financial sector in a key role in mobilizing institutional and private capital for wind and solar parks, innovative technologies, the energy refurbishment of buildings, electromobility, the hydrogen industry and generally for an ESG-oriented economy.


The SFDR aims to harmonise and standardise ESG disclosures across the EU and to create more transparency in the market so that investors can identify the impact on sustainability factors and the associated risks and opportunities of their investments. We implement the requirements for "financial market participants" as defined by the SFDR accordingly for KGAL Investment Management GmbH. A description of how the requirements are met at company level and how sustainability risks are integrated into the decision-making process is provided below:


Information at product level
The requirements from the SFDR for product information can be found at:  www.kgal.de/en/institutional-investors/funds/

Your Point of Contact.


ESG Officer

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