Sustainable infrastructure in figures
assets under management
currently installed capacity in our portfolio
currently in development or under construction
sustainable Infrastructure transactions
people could rely on the energy we produce
Investment strategy
We have offered investment solutions in the sustainable infrastructure asset class across Europe since 2003, with profiles ranging from core to value add. We work with specialists on the ground to actively manage our assets all the way through to disposal, thereby achieving sustainable returns. The sustainable infrastructure team at KGAL focuses exclusively on the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects, managing assets that help to prevent emissions harmful to the climate. We implement both buy-and-hold and buy-build-sell strategies.
We launch ESG-compliant fund products classified in accordance with Article 9 of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation as part of our ESPF series. In all our investments, we pursue a holistic approach to asset management spanning the entire value chain – from project development to financing through to operation.

Here we present our investment highlights
As a pioneer for this asset class, KGAL is active in large parts of Europe with investments in Sustainable Infrastructure
Blue: Countries where KGAL's sustainable infrastructure transactions are located
Asset Locations
Investment Countries
Sustainable Infrastructure funds

KGAL’s ESPF 5 Article 9 Impact Fund (SFDR) provides the opportunity to make an active contribution to the decarbonisation of Europe by investing in the attractive energy transition growth market – diversified across technologies, sectors, countries and lifecycles.
Your contact for this fund

Make a decisive contribution to the EU’s independence from fossil fuels. Investing in KGAL’s ESPF 6 Article 9 Green Hydrogen & Energy Transition Fund (SFDR) you will become part of an important growth market with a promising future.
Make an active contribution to the decarbonisation of Europe by investing in the attractive energy transition growth market – diversified across technologies, sectors, countries and lifecycles.
Your contact for this fund
Sustainable infrastructure
and sustainability
The solutions we are offering in the sustainable infrastructure asset class are making a quantifiable contribution to decarbonisation geared to achieving the 1.5°C target set out in the Paris Agreement. Our investment solutions are helping to bring about a fossil fuel-free future. In 2023, we prevented 612,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions and fed approx. 2.61 terawatt-hours of green electricity into power grids.
We also adhere to stringent governance standards. In September 2018, for instance, KGAL signed up to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). As a signatory, KGAL is required to report specific ESG information for review by the PRI initiative. And, after the KfW Bankengruppe engaged us to manage its PtX Development Fund, we are now working to lay the foundations for the industrial ramp-up of green hydrogen.

News & Insights

Andreas Ochsenkühn
Head of Portfolio ManagementSustainable Infrastructure

Matej Lednicky
Head of Transaction Management Sustainable Infrastructure
Other KGAL asset classes
Real Estate
Real Estate
With our real estate strategies we are creating attractive solutions for urban residential districts which generate value and returns.

As one of the largest asset managers for aircraft we structure tailor-made solutions for airlines and our investors.