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Are you a Qualified Purchaser under the Investment Company Act of 1940?

You are a Qualified Purchaser if you qualify as one of the following:

You are a partnership, a corporation, a limited liability company or another entity (other than trusts) and

  1. this partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other entity owns at least $5 million in Investments and is owned directly or indirectly by two or more natural persons who are related as siblings or spouses (including former spouses), or direct descendants by birth or adoption, spouses of such persons, the estates of such persons, or foundations, charitable organizations, or trusts established by or for the benefit of such persons; or
  2. you acting for your own account or the accounts of other “qualified purchasers” and own and invest in the aggregate at least $25 million in Investments; or
  3. your beneficial owners are “Qualified Purchasers”; or
  4. you are a qualified institutional buyer, meeting the requirements of Rule 2a51-1(g) promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940, who has at least $25 million in discretionary Investments

You are a trust and

  1. the trust owns at least $5 million in Investments and the trust is owned directly or indirectly by two or more natural persons who are related as siblings or spouses (including former spouses), or direct descendants by birth or adoption, spouses of such persons, the estates of such persons, or foundations, charitable organizations, or trusts established by or for the benefit of such persons; or
  2. trust was not formed for the purpose of acquiring the limited partnership interests of any fund mentioned on this website and the trustee or other person authorized to make decisions with respect to the trust, and each settlor or other person who has contributed assets to the trust, is a person described in a. or b. (i) above or in b. (iii) or c. below; or
  3. you are acting for your own account or the accounts of other “Qualified Purchasers” and own and invest in the aggregate at least $25 million in Investments.

You are a natural person and

  1. you act for your own account and own at least $5 million in Investments (including joint Investments with your spouse) or
  2. you act for your own account or for the accounts of other “Qualified Purchasers” and own and invest in the aggregate at least $25 million in Investments.

Das bieten wir für Ihre Karriere.

Die KGAL Gruppe ist seit mehr als 50 Jahren als unabhängiger Investment- und Asset-Manager am Markt erfolgreich. Uns zeichnen mittelständisch geprägte Strukturen mit flachen Hierarchien und schnellen Aufstiegschancen aus. Zugleich bewegen wir uns in einem internationalen Umfeld, mit Assets in vielen Ländern der Welt und internationaler Kundschaft. Nachhaltigkeit und Beständigkeit kennzeichnen das Verhältnis sowohl zu unseren Kunden als auch zu unseren Beschäftigten.

Unsere drei Assetklassen Immobilien, Infrastruktur (Energie) und Flugzeuge versprechen spannende und vielfältige Tätigkeitsfelder. Die Kapitalanleger in unseren Produkten sind sowohl institutionelle als auch private Investoren.

Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sind unser wertvollstes Asset. Deshalb ist es für uns selbstverständlich, Ihnen die Wertschätzung entgegenzubringen, die Sie verdienen – nicht nur in Form leistungsgerechter Vergütung. Wertschätzung manifestiert sich im alltäglichen Umgang, im entgegengebrachten Vertrauen, in einer Beteiligung am Unternehmenserfolg, in Aufstiegschancen und Weiterbildungsangeboten, zum Beispiel an unserer KGAL Akademie, und nicht zuletzt in zahlreichen Benefits an unserem Standort in Grünwald vor den Toren Münchens.

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