
Tölzer Straße 15
82031 Grünwald/München

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Further information


Tölzer Straße 15
82031 Grünwald/München

Funds for institutional investors

Carolin Vormann - Leiterin Institutional Business
Carolin Vormann
Head of Institutional Business
Brigitte Rolf
Head of Client Management
Jonathan May
Head of Institutional Business International
Alexander Küpers - Leiter Institutional Business Germany
Alexander Küpers
Head of Institutional Business Germany

Private investor funds

Matthias Weber / Head of Sales Open Investment Funds
Matthias Weber
Head of Retail Business
Gertrud Sterner - Leiterin Investor Services
Gertrud Sterner
Head of Investor Services


Christian Schloemann - Leiter Transaktionsmanagement Aviation
Christian Schloemann
Head of Transaction Management Aviation
Dr. Christian Nieraad - Leiter Transaction Management
Real Estate (Gewerbe)
Dr. Christian Nieraad
Head of Transaction Management
Real Estate (Commercial)
Rainer Pohl - Leiter Transaction Management
Real Estate (Wohnen)
Rainer Pohl
Head of Transaction Management
Real Estate (Residential)
Matej Lednicky - Leiter Transaction Management Sustainable Infrastructure
Matej Lednicky
Head of Transaction Management Sustainable Infrastructure

Portfolio Management

Stephan Gundermann - Leiter Portfoliomanagement Aviation
Stephan Gundermann
Head of Portfolio Management Aviation
Andreas Ochsenkühn - Leiter Portfoliomanagement
Sustainable Infrastructure
Andreas Ochsenkühn
Head of Portfolio Management
Sustainable Infrastructure
Peter Windmeisser - Leiter Portfoliomanagement Real Estate
Peter Windmeisser
Head of Portfolio Management Real Estate


Markus Lang - Leiter Marketing und Communications
Markus Lang
Head of Marketing and Communications


Claudia Remmers - Leiterin Human Resources
Claudia Remmers
Head of Human Resources